What does The Doorways mean to me? It feels like another home.

To recuperate after open heart surgery and aorta reconstruction, Dennis Myers knew exactly where he needed to be. “I made a donation pledge after my first stay at The Doorways. I saved up the money I would have used in hotels and for food because I wanted to help someone else in need. It takes a lot to keep this place running, but you make it comfortable and everyone is so nice. It’s the whole atmosphere.”

Summer 2023 Newsletter CoverDennis embraced the community that comes with staying in a place where “everyone is going through it together” and understands how life comes to a halt with a healthcare crisis. Even after leaving, he keeps in contact with fellow guests in a group chat to “check in and encourage each other.” After benefitting from The Doorways mission firsthand, Dennis felt drawn to “help in some way.” For Dennis, donating “is how I could do it.”

Read more about how The Doorways has been creating change in our community in our Summer 2023 Newsletter!