Volunteer Volumes

“The Doorways holds a special place in our hearts.”

– Purple Hearts Cares, Volunteers

Our good friends from Purple Hearts Care always say it best! They recently shared their time, delicious food, and joyful company with our guests and had a big impact! 

We consider it a true privilege to work so many wonderful volunteers, and must echo the sentiment from Purple Hearts Cares: our volunteers hold a special place in our hearts, too. 

Are you looking to get involved in volunteer work with your group?

While providing and serving meals is one of our most popular group activities because of the direct interaction with guests, we have many opportunities outside of the kitchen! Check out our website to learn more and reach out to our Volunteer Manager if you have additional questions. 

Volunteer With Us

Guest Gazette

“It’s my way to give back and pay it forward.”

– Pamela Davis, Guest

We never cease to be amazed by the generosity of our guests. Even as they go through medical crises far from home, they still manage to provide encouragement to each other and find creative ways to support our mission. 

Pamela Davis is a prime example of this generosity. As a talented professional artist, she has spent countless hours painting during her 11 week stay using her craft to destress. When she, by chance, overheard staff discussing our annual fundraiser, SAVOR, she generously offered one of her paintings to be auctioned. 

Having guests volunteer their time and talents highlights the full circle community at The Doorways. Thank you to Pamela and all of our guests who contribute to our mission in incredible ways!

Read About Pamela

Donor Digest

Annual Appreciation

A Quiet Refuge

To celebrate National Library Week recently, we featured a story about Debra Brooks, a former guest. While staying at The Doorways, Debra referred to our library as “her place.” It gave her respite during those difficult days and a semblance of normalcy.

Libraries offer a mental oasis inside a book, so dearly welcomed when facing the medical challenges that our guests face every day. All made possible by the volunteers who keep our shelves stocked with more than just food.

Do you have books in need of a good home?

We know just the place!

Email our Volunteer Manager or call (804) 828-6901 to find a time to drop off book donations (or other donations! Check out our Wishlist for more ideas). 

Volunteer Appreciation Tea

Our volunteers extend open arms of welcome and comfort to our guests and encourage them as they navigate difficult waters. They are the hands and feet of a community that cares.

One day is not enough to adequately thank these inspiring individuals, but we were honored to host an Appreciation Tea for our volunteers to recognize their dedication to service. Special thanks to regular volunteers, Breaking Bread Company, for the tea-rrific catering!

To our Volunteer of the Year, Jim Price – creator of our Transplant Support Group, and Volunteer Group of the Year, CoStar Builds, thank you for giving so much of your time and hearts to fulfill our mission. Your monthly presence means so much to our guests and truly becomes the feeling of home.

To all of our volunteers: we appreciate YOU!

SAVOR - benefiting The Doorways

SAVOR 2025

SAVOR the date for the 16th Annual SAVOR event on Saturday, March 8th at The Jefferson Hotel. Plan ahead to join us at one of the most extraordinary culinary events of the year to celebrate our 40th Anniversary! A night of fun, fantastic food, and philanthropy – what could be better? To see what awaits you at this exclusive event, watch here.

Join us March 8th at 5:30pm.

Learn More

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Give the gift of hope and healing on a monthly basis throughout 2024 with our Sustainer Program

Recurring Sustainer Program

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Gratitude from Guests

“It’s a blessing that you are able to provide this service to those in need to help lessen the burden of medical crises going on in guests’ lives.”

-Harry Knight, former guest